The Father O'Neill Council of Towson is a multi-parish council, focused on putting faith into action. The Council serves the priests and parishioners of Immaculate Conception of Towson, St. Joseph's Parish of Texas, Christ the King Church of Towson, Church of the Nativity and the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier. Charted by the Knights of Columbus in 1955 the Council serves the communities of Towson, Lutherville, Timonium and Cockeysville.

- Feb 19 - Social Meeting - Chairman of M.H.I.C
- Feb 26 - Planning Meeting
- Mar 1 - 4th Degree Exemplification - FLYER
- Mar 5 - Business Meeting (Ash Wednesday)
- Mar 12 - Knights Night, Poker and Darts​ - FLYER
​Mar 13 - K Ladies Meeting
Mar 14 - Lenten Dinner at St. Francis
Mar 17 - St. Patrick's Day Dinner - FLYER
Mar 19 - Social Meeting, Fr. Farmer
Mar 26 - Planning Meeting
Mar 28 - Oysterfest - FLYER
Adoration Chapel Sign Up
Saturday Nights @ 11:55 PM
Click on the Parish Below
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Knight of the Month, and Family of the Month winners are presented with a certificate of appreciation by the current Grand Knight, and also receive one free ticket to any Father O'Neill Council event!
Do you know a Knight, or a family, who have gone out of their way to support their parish and community? Let us know, and they may be the next winners!
The 4011 News
(Click on photo for detail)

Since 1882, membership in the Knights of Columbus has been open to men 18 years of age or older who are "practical" (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. Since that time, the Knights of Columbus has understood "practical catholic" to mean a Catholic who accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.