Breakfast with St. Nick

"The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God's giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves."
- St. Nicholas of Myra
A Higher Purpose
Bring families into more robust practice and better understanding of the Catholic faith and the Christmas services. In an effort to increase attendance and involvement, Knights of Columbus councils will conduct a promotional campaign to educate their parishes on the vital importance of St. Nick and Christmas as a day of faith, not materialism.
Annually members from the Father O'Neill Council will serve breakfast for the children, and their families, at Immaculate Conception School. It is a wonderful time for fraternalism, holiday spirit, and remembering of St. Nicholas
A Higher Purpose
Help end hunger in communities across North America. Many in our communities are struggling through hardship and unable to provide food for their families. The goal of Food for Families is to ensure that as few as possible go to bed hungry each night.
The Knights of Columbus are committed to helping end hunger through the Food for Families Program, which has donated millions of dollars and millions of pounds of food to the cause. Council and parish families will raise funds to support their local food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens. For every $500 or 1,000 pounds of food donated, the Supreme Council will refund $100 back to the council – up to a maximum of $500 per council per fraternal year. Though in-kind donation of food is valuable, leaders of hunger-relief organizations often comment that financial contributions can be stretched even further and allow nonprofits to procure the exact items needed by the organization and its clients.
Beginning in 2014 the Father O’Neill 4011 Knights of Columbus council began its support of the Franciscan Center of Baltimore. The Knights volunteer their time assisting the center with its bi-monthly food drive. During the event we unload, package, and distribute food to local families.
The Franciscan Center of Baltimore has a 45-year history of serving the financially disenfranchised, the sick and those most in need. The mission of the Franciscan Center is to provide emergency assistance and supportive outreach to persons who are economically disadvantaged in an effort to assist them in realizing their self-worth and dignity as people of God. For the next volunteer day see the Event Calendar.
The council also participates in Our Daily Bread and weekly food pickups.
Featured Program Requirements
Councils are required to collect a minimum of $500 or 1,000 pounds of food for a parish or community food pantry. In addition, council must contribute a minimum of 100 total man-hours in preparation/distribution/service of meals. Report activity using the Food for Families Refund and Plaque Application (#10057).

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.." Matthew 25:35

Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did. — St. Maximilian Kolbe
Consecration of the Holy Family
A Higher Purpose
Help strengthen families and revitalize our parishes. Knights of Columbus councils will invite each family in their parish to consecrate themselves to the Holy Family and to devote themselves to the ideal model of familial love set by Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
To help families live out the joy of Christ, Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori has composed a prayer through which families will come together to consecrate themselves under the protection of the Holy Family. In this prayer, we ask for the aid or intercession of the perfect son Jesus Christ, Mary the perfect mother, and Joseph who is a model for every father. Councils will guide their parishes and community to understand and offer this important and impactful prayer. Preparing for the
Consecration to the Holy Family is not a single event. It is choosing a way of life for your family. Through this consecration, each participant is consciously choosing to be a beacon of God’s love through his Church.
Required Program
A council must conduct this required program in the Family category to be eligible to receive the Columbian Award.
Christmas and Easter Visits to the Elderly
A Higher Purpose
Help families place God and the Catholic faith at the center of their lives, year-round. This program provides for the care and interaction with the nations most vulnerable. By visiting those in nursing and retirement homes, the Knights of Columbus bring communication and interest to the elderly.
The visits to the elderly asks families to invite God into their homes and cultivates fraternalism between Knights, and the residence of the retirement homes. To this end, the program provides themes, scripture verses and activities. Through prayer and reflection, each resident has the opportunity to grow in holiness together. The Council visits are concrete ways that Knights of Columbus, in solidarity with Pope Francis, can support the growth of holy and loving families in the Church.
This is a flexible program that can be started at any time of the year and continues year-round.
The council routinely visits with members of retirement homes in the Towson and Cockeysville area, to include Stella Maris, Mercy Ridge, and College Manor. During the holiest times of the year, members of the council, and their family will done Christmas or Easter apparel, and visit with the residence at these homes, many of whom no longer receive visitors.

"To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honros" - Tia Walker