Praying of the Rosary

“When you say the Our Father, God’s ear is next to your lips”
– St. Andre Bessette
A Higher Purpose
Build faithful families and communities through rosary prayer. The Knights of Columbus Rosary Program encourages councils to promote devotion to the rosary in families and parishes by scheduling regular rosary prayer services. Kits with rosary rings, rosary prayer guides and leader books are available for councils to order.
The council prays the rosary monthly in during the thirty minutes prior to the first meeting of each month. This program encourages devotion to Mary, the patroness of the Knights of Columbus, and emphasizes the importance of prayer in community and as a family. While the following business meeting is for Knights only, every family of the parishes are welcome to attend. A Scriptural Rosary for the Family from the Knights of Columbus Catholic Information Service can be provided upon request, should you, or your family, be unaware of how to pray the rosary.
Brothers, please join us monthly at our Pre-Business meeting rosary. From 7:30pm to 8:00pm we pray the rosary monthly for those who are sick, in need, and for God’s guidance in all things. As Knights, we all took a pledge to pray it as often as we can. And its important as Catholic Gentlemen to uphold our pledges.
Spiritual Reflection
A Higher Purpose
Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection as a fraternity. Under the guidance of their chaplain, Knights of Columbus councils can attend a retreat or day of reflection together or perhaps organize their own event for men of their parish. Council participation in Spiritual Reflection is required to qualify for Columbian Award.
Many Catholic young people can attest that religious retreats are radically rejuvenating spiritual events that often leave a lasting impact on participants’ relationship to their faith. Yet, so often, retreats seem only to be offered to students and youth. Working with their pastors, Knights of Columbus councils can hold low-cost retreats of their own. These events might be held for council members or men of the parish – or may be open to entire families. If councils are unable to organize these events themselves, they could go as a group and attend a retreat in their area to satisfy the requirement. Additionally, councils are strongly encouraged to consider visiting The Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. as part of this program.
Required Program
A council must conduct this required program in the Faith category to be eligible to receive the Columbian Award.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
– Matt 18:20
Our Seminarians
![]() LUKE KOSKI | ![]() PETER MYERS |
![]() TREY BART | ![]() ALEX KULIK |
RSVP Program
A Higher Purpose
Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians and postulants. As the strong right arm of the church, the Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of their formation.
The Knights of Columbus stand in solidarity with our priests and religious. Through this program, council and parish families will raise funds to support seminarians in their area. For every $500 given to an individual, the Supreme Council will refund the council or assembly $100. The maximum refund a council or assembly can receive is $400 per individual supported. Though financial support is vitally important, it is not the only aspect of RSVP. Councils are also called to provide their “adopted” seminarian or religious aspirant with moral support and prayers for their success.
Featured Program Requirements
Councils are required to provide financial support of at least $500 for a minimum of one seminarian. For every $500 given to an individual, Supreme will refund the council or assembly $100. The maximum refund a council or assembly can receive is $400 per individual supported. Councils are also required to provide their “adopted” seminarian or religious aspirant with moral support and prayers for their success. Report activity using the RSVP Refund and Plaque Application (#2863).
What is the Parish Roundtable?
Because not every parish has its own Knights of Columbus council, the Parish Roundtable Program was developed as a way of establishing the Knights of Columbus presence in every parish. A Parish Roundtable is comprised solely of Knights. All members of the Knights of Columbus are member of their parish’s roundtable. There are no regular meetings, no additional dues, or elected officials. The only position is an appointed coordinator, Dan Flannery, whose job it is to communicate with the parish priests, receive his direction and manage the efforts of the Parish Roundtable.
The Difference a Parish Roundtable can make…
There are many benefits in establishing a Parish Roundtable for the parish, its priest, and member Knights. Having a roundtable creates a unique and effective support structure within the parish. Benefits for local councils and its members are also evident. Through personal service to our respective parishes, the Order can truly fulfill its commitment to serving the Catholic Church, as well as our communities. Finally, as Knights, being active in our own parishes helps strengthen our personal faith and often helps create a better place for our families to grow theirs.
If you’re interested in establishing a presence at your parish, please see Dan Flannery