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"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

A Higher Purpose
Reaching out to your community during times of celebration.  Councils will engage their parish and community in face-to-face outreach by organizing fundraisers and various awareness activities.


Communities can be brought together when members are engaged.    As community leaders, Knights of Columbus will ensure that their members, families and parish communities are visible pillars of their communities through a campaign that promotes education and awareness of the Knights. This program motivates councils to take a holistic approach to engaging their community by promoting involvement, openess, and transparency of Council Activities.  Councils will also fundraise and teach (where able) in anticipation of larger efforts.



Annually, the Father O'Neill Council sets up a booth opposite of the Light Rail tracks at the Timonium Fairgrounds, with the permission of the MTA and Baltimore Country Police.  This location allows for members of the Council to interact with individuals from all over the State, and an opportunity to not only raise funds for the Council's activities, but also to raise money for Child with Mental Disabilities, through donations.  


All water sales money is used to fund council activities, while all donations made to the council are given to the St. Elizabeth School in Baltimore.  

Memorial Mass

A Higher Purpose

Encourage deep personal encounter with God. Knights of Columbus councils work with their pastors to organize a regular Memorial Mass to honor the Brother Knights, and their family members who went before them.  Prepared for the Knights and their families, this Memorial Mass could include a reflection, communal rosary, prayers for intercession by St. Joseph or Knights of Columbus founder, Venerable Michael McGivney, and various other aspects as decided by the council.


The chivalric character of the Knights of Columbus and the Church’s long tradition of spiritual reflection – especially as threats from the world and the devil are so keenly felt. Memorial Masses work to remember Brother Knights, and their families, and to reinforce the belief that we will all meet again.   It is familiar to many, easy to organize, and something everyone can participate in together regardless of age, vocation, stage of life or membership status. Councils can organize their Memorial Masses in a variety of ways and incorporate aspects such as: perpetual adoration, the sacrament of reconciliation, prayer for particular intentions and more.



Since the early days of the council, the annual Memorial Mass has been held at the Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens during the first weekend of November.  The mass is a celebration of the Knights and Ladies who have departed us in the past year, as well as a reminder to all that Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori. 

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"Give all your cares and worries to God, for He cares about you" - 1 Peter 5:7

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"At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year" - Thomas Tusser

Christmas Dinner

A Higher Purpose
Strengthen the bonds within our councils and build faith-filled families. This is an opportunity for council members, families and the whole parish community to come together once a year for an evening of prayer, dinner and fellowship.


Catholics often struggle with the reality that they do not have the opportunity to socialize and/or pray with other faith-filled Catholic families. It can be quite a challenge to raise our children in the faith when their only exposure comes from Mom and Dad.


The Council Christmas Dinners offer an opportunity for families to be exposed to regular people living their faith in a casual setting. Families of council members, as well as other Catholic families within the parish and community, will gather for prayer, dinner and fellowship.



The Father O'Neill Council holds a Christmas Dinner every year for members of the council, their families, and invited guests.  It is one of the few times that we are able to meet face to face with our seminarians.  During this event, the council also gives out "gift" donations to various organizations in and around the community.  In 2018, the Council gave away over 13,000 to various charities and organizations that support the disadvantaged or vulnerable people in our society.  Most notably: The House of Ruth, the Sister's Academy of Baltimore, The St. Elizabeth School, Immaculate Conception, our seminarians, and the Franciscan Center of Baltimore.  

Honor's Banquet

A Higher Purpose
Stimulate and support the development of strong and vibrant councils. Local councils will establish a committee to recognize deserving members and celebrate the Knighthood of those members who take their 3rd Degree. 


Each year, the council celebrates those members who model Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Each participating council also highlights those members who have dedicated themselves to the activities of the council, and attained the third degree.  These knights have committed themselves to the Knights of Columbus, and can hold positions of leadership in the council. 



Annually, the council with gather, either in formal attire, or, like in 2018, in more relaxed atmospheres for an opportunity to award members of the council for their actions during the fraternal year.  Of special note, are the newer members of the council who received their Third Degree during the fraternal year.  This celebration also awards Knight of the Year, and Family of the Year with a certificate and commemorative gift.   

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"He who is filled with love is filled with God himself." -  St. Augustine 



The Father O’Neill Council of the Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men dedicated to the Church. We will expend our energies toward preserving the sanctity of life and making a difference in the community via service and charity. In pursuit of these objectives we promote family, develop friendships, enjoy fraternalism and grow in faith.




616 W Seminary Ave

Lutherville-Timonium, MD


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