T.RowePrice, Mariner Finance, HMS Insurance
Verdence Capital Advisors, Hollenshade's Auto Service
Fourteenth Annual
Jessica Meredith Jacobsen
Memorial 5K Run
September 18, 2021 - 8:00 A.M.
In memory of Jessica Meredith Jacobsen, the Knights of Columbus Council # 4011 (Father O’Neill Council) has organized the 14th Annual Jessica Meredith Jacobsen Memorial 5K Run and Fun Walk on September 18, 2021 at 8:00 AM. In addition to memorializing Jessica Meredith Jacobsen, who died tragically in 2007 as a result of intimate partner violence, the event also supports House of Ruth Maryland, the Immaculate Conception School Tuition Assistance Fund and Fr. O’Neill Charities.
We have received the required permits from the county to allow us to hold the race in person this year! The race and walk will begin at Immaculate Conception School in Towson, MD, with the race and walk following a similar course as prior years. We will also include a virtual race option for all participants who prefer the flexibility of participating when and where it is convenient for him or her.

Presented by the Father O'Neill Council #4011 Knights of Columbus

Start Location and Time
Immaculate Conception School
112 Ware Ave.
Towson, MD 21204
September 18, 2021
Register to run or walk at https://www.runsignup.com. Registration will also be accepted by mail.
T-Shirt: A t shirt with the Knight logo is guaranteed for those registered by September 5, 2021. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee availability of t shirts for those registering after this date. We will offer an in-person pickup of t-shirts on September 16th and September 17th at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Seminary Ave.
Virtual Race Time and Place: We will offer a Virtual race option again this year for interested participants. Participants will be able to complete their race whenever or wherever is best for him or her and submit their times to see how they compare to other participants.
Volunteer: Click HERE to volunteer to help with the race.