Here are the results (all results were unanimous except where indicated):
Council Officers
Grand Knight: Bill McCarthy
Deputy Grand Knight: Jack Blinke
Chancellor: Murphy Burke
Warden: John Meredith
Recorder: Joe Norton
Treasurer: Richard Briggs
Inside Guard: Martin "Corky Finnerty"
Outside Guard: Ed Countess
1 Year Trustee: Dan Flannery
2 Year Trustee: John McFadden
3 Year Trustee: Steve Endres
Convention Delegate GK: Bill McCarthy
Convention Delegate PGK: George Hogan, PGK
Convention 1st Alternate: Jack Blinke
Convention 2nd Alternate: Chris Schaum, PGK
Fr. O'Neill Charities Board (2 Year Term ending June 30 2022)
To amend the bylaws to change the makeup of the Board to the Grand Knight, Four Officers, and up to two At-Large members:Â
In Favor 28, Opposed 5 (amendment passed)
Board Member: Dick Bradford
Board Member: Dan Flannery
Board Member: Gus Muller
O'Neill Club of Towson Inc Board (3 Year Term ending June 30, 2023)
Board Member: Greg Burke, PGK
Board Member: Steve Endres
Board Member: Chris Schaum, PGK