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Billy Geist was presented the 2022 Firefighter of the Year Award.

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I’m pleased to recommend Billy Geist as Firefighter of the Year. Billy is an outstanding member and was a top responder in 2021. Billy, gives a tremendous amount of time to the station, often working during the day from the station. Billy also sleeps-in at the station frequently, ensuring that LVFC has the staffing to support the community overnight. This is evidenced by his impressive response rate, currently the station’s third highest, with over 100 calls year-to-date. Impressive for an individual working full time while also making time for his family. Billy also takes many fire training courses, often enrolling in several at once. During his time with LVFC beginning January 23, 2021, Billy has taken the following courses on evenings and weekends.

- Firefighter I - CPR/AED

- Rescue Tech - Site Operations - Hazardous Materials Awareness

- Firefighter II - Bloodborne Pathogens

- ICS – 100 - Rescue Tech - Vehicle & Machinery

Billy’s selfless commitment to LVFC and the surrounding community is impressive. I’m proud to nominate Billy Geist for Volunteer Firefighter of the Year on behalf of the members of Lutherville VFC and LVFC Captain Anthony Justus. I’d be happy to answer any further questions about Billy or his impressive service record.

Gene Parker


Lutherville VFC

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