This coming Friday 1/24 is the March For Life in Washington, DC. Please see the information below for transportation opportunities that are sponsored by our parishes. Buses typically do not have a cost, but parishes welcome Free Will donations. Additional information about the March may be found here: https://marchforlife.org/
We also ask that you please also email our Life Director Patrick Marquez (pmarquez@jamesposey.com) to let him know that you will be attending (as well as any family members); we need to keep a record for Supreme of the number of people that participate from our Council.
· Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier: Mass at 9:00 AM; Followed by breakfast and then the Bus leaves at 10:15 AM; For registration or additional information contact Cathy Applefeld at capplefeld@yahoo.com.
· Immaculate Conception Church: Mass at 8:30 AM; Novena follows; Breakfast in the Rectory; Bus Boards at 10:30 AM; contact Marci Towle at 410.470.2250 or marcit311@comcast.net to reserve seats; Brother Tim Linz will “Captain “ that bus.
· St. Joseph Parish: The bus will leave the Parish Center parking lot at 10:00 AM. Contact Tess Sandkuhler, 443-858-6166 or cdkuhler@gmail.com to reserve seats on the bus.
· Christ the King: Contact 410.321.0711 or office@ctktowson.org for information
If you are at the March, remember to demonstrate your identity and commitment as a Knight to the sanctity of Life. If you can’t attend, please pray for the safety of those that do, the conversion of hearts for those that are confused in their beliefs, and the hope that this country once again values the lives of babies and the mothers who bear them.