At the May Business meeting the Grand Knight presented the following awards:
Family of the Month Award The Reick Family
Deacon Bud and Helen, not only for all of their participation in the Parish Life at Christ the King, but also their ongoing support of our activities at the Hall such as the Living Rosaries and the maintenance of our Grounds. We are also grateful that Bud continues to use his woodworking talents to support the needs of our Parishes and Newman Center.
Knight of the Month Award John Madro
We appreciate the way that John has stepped in so quickly as Rental Manager and has become an active and valued Board member of the O’Neill Club. As a new Brother Knight this year, he has quickly responded to and efficiently organized the needs of the Hall Rentals. As our virtual and public face to potential renters, he has been proactive in his responses, engaged in improving the number of rentals and has actively assisted in the overall upkeep of the Hall.