In honor of the memories of Sir Knights Joe Ludwig and Charlie Vlk, I would like to re institute the "Past Grand Knights" lunch. In seeing Peg Gramling today, she also passed on her best wishes and strong memories of Deacon John organizing and leading this event. I know that both Joe and Charlie were "regulars" at the lunch.
I am suggesting that we meet on Friday June 7 at 11:45 at Pappas on Cranbrooke Rd for lunch. This will be open to ALL PGK's of the Council and current Grand Knight if available.
After we meet on the 7th, we will determine BEST forward meeting date, time and place after we get a gauge of who can come and when.
Please RSVP to ME directly at joestout65@gmail.com if you can make it, or even if you can't tell me if you can attend a future date.
The purpose of these meetings were to help current GK with any issues or projects that needed support, and of course fellowship and a "liquid lunch" for those able!
If I can recall correctly, Deacon ordered gin and tonic, Joe an Old Fashioned, and Charlie a manhattan?? Anyway, hope to meet all PGK's on the 7th and we will have a toast to those we have lost since the last lunch a few years ago. They will be with us in Spirit!
Joe Stout, PGK, FN
Our Lady of Victory #3389